30+ COC TH8 Funny Bases (2023) Copy Link of Troll Layouts and Designs

We are sharing here TH8 Funny bases designs and layouts that you can easily copy via the link. Many people often wonder why people set a funny base design and give away their loot for free.

There are several reasons for this. One of the most popular reasons is that sometimes people max out their base but few troops or walls are left for upgrades. In such a scenario they often fill their storage full of resources which means their gold/elixir is of no use now.

So such gentle souls copy a troll base design and put their storage in open. This way an attacker will come and loot the base without using their whole army and without getting any interruption from defenses.

What is the best Th8 troll base layout?

Now when you decide to have a funny base layout you also want to have an ad design that can stand for something. People choose a troll base that is symbolic and gives a cool impression to the attacker.

Many times they will choose designs that are similar to their favorite superhero logo or even to their favorite movie/tv series.

If you too are looking for the same then we have here selected some of the best Town hall 8 base designs that you can easily copy to your home village via the link.

At Townhall 8 you have a total of 88 buildings and 225 wells that will max out on level 8. The level 8 walls will have black color and a skull insignia on the top.

Due to so many buildings, you have many options for troll base. Most players love to use only walls for their base design but they forget that if the buildings are placed correctly then these too can create a perfect illusion.

Also read – Town Hall 9 Max Levels List

Take a look at these 30+ best TH8 troll base designs in clash of clans

So this was out the photo gallery of Town hall 8 funny base designs. Which one do you like the most and why? Kindly do share out post on facebook, twitter, instagram and pinterest. Also if you are on reddit then give us a shoutout in r/clashofclans subreddit.

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