30+ Best TH9 Funny Bases With Links (2023) Copy New Troll Layouts

When you look at these TH9 funny bases you will notice that the extra walls and buildings have given a lot of opportunities to clashers to be creative.

At town hall 9 you will have 101 buildings and 250 walls. The max wall level is 10 which has a golden fire logo inside it. However, clashers often use a different color of walls to give a unique design to their base.

th9 funny bases

Before you start copying these fun bases of town hall 9 you must be aware that these base designs are just created for fun. If you copy these layouts to your base then the opponent army might be able to score 3 stars on your base without any issue.

Don’t be a player who uses these base designs in clan war leagues. Your trolling should not impact your clan score. You can have these base designs for your home village but for clan war battles always go for a safe base.

th9 troll base

Since there are 250 walls in town hall 9 therefore it gives us the freedom to design almost any figure, character, or logo. Most people also use these walls to write their favorite words and numbers.

I like bases that give references to current pop culture which can be from will smith slapping Chris rock Oscar fiasco or Donald trump getting trolled by Kim jong-un.

Such bases with two characters are hard to design but several clashers managed to do this.

th9 fancy base

After browsing and scrolling through thousands of troll base designs for town hall 9 we came across these fancy bases that are actually worth copying.

As I said earlier do not copy these bases for war bases but copy them to your home village layout. Most of these bases are inspired by popular characters that are recognized worldwide.

These bases also feature various animals and animated objects.

town hall 9 funny base link

Also Read – Builder Hall 1 Max Levels List

th9 base link

th9 war base

Copy Link of TH9 Funny Bases

th9 3d base

These TH9 Funny troll base layouts with links are easy to copy but make sure that you are also following the standard rule of the game. If your clan does not approve you of such bases then kindly do not have them.

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