Town Hall 6 Max Levels List CoC 2024: TH6 Base Upgrade Time

Don’t Rush in the Clash of Clans. The Town Hall 6 max levels will give you an idea that it is important to give time to your base.

Town Hall 6 is the final Town Hall in starter challenges. After this, you will move into the season leagues. Therefore I strongly advise you to take the maximum benefit at this Town Hall.

You will get a few potions too in the starter challenges. You can use them but I usually sell them in exchange for gems. I do this so that I have enough gems to unlock the fifth builder.

You can use the builder potion though as it will speed up your progress.

What is the max level for TH6 in Clash of Clans?

If you are wondering about this then don’t worry we have all the answers here. At Town Hall 6 you will unlock 8 more buildings therefore your total number of buildings will go up to 53.

You will need to upgrade around 35 buildings from them. Also, you will need to upgrade the 125 wall pieces of TH6 to maximum levels.

We will take a look at how many levels we can upgrade our resource buildings, army buildings, defenses, and traps. Also, we will share how far our troops and spells can be upgraded.

What are TH6 max levels for Collectors, Mines and Storages in CoC?

Town Hall 6 Resource Buildings MAX Level No. of Buildings
Elixir Collector 10 6
Gold Mine 10 6
Elixir Storage 10 2
Gold Storage 10 2

clash of clans town hall 6 max upgrades


  • You will get one more elixir collector at Town Hall 6. You have to upgrade only that elixir collector to the max level of 10. All other elixir collectors won’t ask for upgrades.
  • Just like an elixir collector, you will unlock an additional gold mine which can be upgraded to a max level of 10. Similarly, the other five gold mines won’t get upgraded at TH6.
  • Your two elixir storage will be upgraded to level 10.
  • Your gold storage will also get pushed to max level 10.

CoC TH6 Upgrade List for Army buildings

Town Hall 6 Army Buildings Levels No. of Buildings
Barracks 8 3
Army Camp 6 3
Spell Factory 2 1
Laboratory 4 1
Clan Castle 3 1
  • Your three barracks will be upgraded to the next level and unlock the healer. The max level is 8.
  • Your three army camps will be pushed to max level 6.
  • Your laboratory will touch max level 4.
  • Your spell factory will move to the next level (2) and unlock the healing spell.
  • Since clan castles are upgraded on a reciprocal basis therefore you will get a chance to upgrade your clan castle to max level 3

What is the max-level Army Camp for TH6?

The max level of army camp for TH6 is level 6. A Level 6 army camp can hold 50 troops. Since you have 3 army camps at TH6 therefore your army size will increase to 150 troops. You will also upgrade your clan castle to level 3 which means it can now hold 20 troops.

Therefore you can carry a total army of 170 where 150 are from your camp and 20 are in your CC.

What are the TH6 max levels of Defenses in  CoC?

Town Hall 6 Defenses Levels No. of Buildings
Cannon 7 3
Archer Tower 7 3
Mortar 4 2
Air Defense 4 1
Wizard Tower 2 2
Air Sweeper 2 1
Walls 6 125
  • You will have 3 cannons that can be upgraded to one more level i.e. 7th level.
  • Your three archer towers will also go to max level 7 at TH6.
  • You will unlock one more mortar at TH6. The two mortars will reach the max level of 4.
  • Your only air defense will be upgraded once and it will touch max level 4.
  • You will have a new wizard tower at TH6. The two wizard towers can be upgraded to level 3.
  • Air sweeper will be new defensive building at Town Hall 6. It will max out at level 2.

TH6 Max Levels Walls

The TH6 walls can be upgraded to a max level of 6. Since you will get a lot of bonuses from starter challenges therefore I don’t think you will find any difficulty in upgrading the 125 wall pieces.

Clash of Clans TH6 max Levels Traps

Town Hall 6 Traps Levels No. of Traps
Bomb 4 4
Spring Trap 2 4
Air Bomb 2 2
Giant Bomb 2 1
  • The four bombs will have a max level of 4.
  • You will unlock two new spring traps. The four Spring traps will have max level 2.
  • The two air bombs will have max level 2.
  • The giant bomb will be the new trap at TH6. You can upgrade it to max level 2.

TH6 Max Levels for Elixir Troops in Clash of Clans

Town Hall 6 Troops TH6 Troop Levels
Barbarian 3
Archer 3
Giant 3
Goblin 3
Wall Breaker 3
Balloon 3
Wizard 3
Healer 1
  • Barbarians will stay at level 3 max.
  • Archers will also stay at the same level i.e. third level.
  • Giants will follow the alternate upgrade path and they will be upgraded to level 3.
  • Goblins will have max level 3.
  • The Wall breaker will be pushed to the next level the third level.
  • The balloon will also go to max level 3.
  • Wizards will go to the next level.
  • The healer is the new troop at TH6 but they won’t get any upgrade at this Town Hall level.

TH6 Max Levels for Elixir Spells in Clash of Clans

Town Hall 6 Spells TH6 Spell Levels
Light Spell 4
Healing Spell 3
  • The light spell will stay at level 4.
  • The healing spell will see two upgrades and it will reach the max level of 3.

What League Should I be in at Town Hall 6 of Clash of Clans?

You should now prepare for higher leagues. Your trophies should be touching the 1000 mark. At Town Hall 7 you have to unlock the 1250 trophies achievement to get 450 gems. Therefore it is better if you improve your attacks at TH6.

How long does it take to max out Town Hall 6 in Clash of Clans?

Town Hall 6 won’t take much time to max out but since this is the last Town Hall for starter challenges therefore I would advise you to complete all starter challenges and collect all bonuses before moving to TH7.

You can max out TH6 in 10 days 16 hours and 25 minutes with just two builders.

If you have three builders then you can easily max out TH6 in 7 days 2 hours 56 minutes.

Most Clash of Clans players have four builders by now therefore a majority of players would max out Town Hall 6 in 5 days 8 hours 12 minutes.

If you have bought the fifth builder then your task will get much easier as you can max out Town Hall 6 in just 4 days 6 hours and 3 minutes.

How Much Gold do I need to max out TH6 in CoC?

You will need 12.1 million gold. This will be the first and only Town Hall where your walls take 50% of the total amount. The 125 wall pieces will ask for 4.65 million gold to max out.

How Much Elixir do I need to max out Town Hall 6 in CoC?

A major issue for you will be that your elixir storage will be full all the time. You only need 6.48 million elixir which is half of the total gold required.

Around 1.34 million elixir will be required by the laboratory that will upgrade your troops and spells to the next level in 2 days 11 hours.

You can read out army composition guides to improve your attack strategies.

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