Mortar Max Levels CoC 2024: Town Hall 3 to Town Hall 16 Stats

Mortar is the first splash damage defensive building that you unlock at Town Hall 3 in Clash of Clans. When enemy troops comes in range then the mortar will fire shells (in every 5 seconds) that deals area damage on the opponent units.

Just like Cannon and Archer tower, you can gear up your one mortar into multi-mortar at Town Hall 10. The only requirement for gearing up mortar is that you must have a level 8 multi mortar unlocked at your Builder Base. So make sure your master builder has upgraded your multi mortar up to level 8.

Mortars are highly effective against ground troops like Barbarians, Archers, Goblins, Wizards, Wall Breakers and Giants. You will unlock a maximum of 4 mortar in your CoC gameplay which is lower than the number of cannons (7) and Archer tower (8) on your base.

Mortar Max Levels List and Stats For Each Town Hall in Clash of Clans

Here are the stats of each level of mortar on each town hall of Clash of Clans

Level  Upgrade Time  Damage Per Second  Hit Points  Damage Per Shot Upgrade Cost Town Hall Level Needed XP gained
1 2 hours 4 400 20 5,000 3 84
2 3 hours 5 450 25 25,000 4 103
3 4 hours 6 500 30 1,00,000 5 120
4 6 hours 7 550 35 2,00,000 6 146
5 12 hours 9 600 45 3,00,000 7 207
6 18 hours 11 650 55 5,60,000 8 254
7 1 days 15 700 75 13,00,000 9 293
8 1 days 12 hours 20 800 100 19,00,000 10 360
9 2 days 25 950 125 25,00,000 11 415
10 2 days 12 hours 30 1,100 150 35,00,000 11 464
11 3 days 35 1,300 175 58,00,000 12 509
12 3 days 12 hours 38 1,500 190 65,00,000 12 549
13 4 days 42 1,700 210 82,00,000 13 587
14 6 days 48 1,950 240 1,10,00,000 14 720
15 7 days 6 hours 54 2,150 270 1,50,00,000 15 791
16 14 days 12 hours 60 2,300 300 1,95,00,000 16 1,119

From Town Hall 3 to town hall 5 you will have only one mortar that can be upgraded to a max level of 3. This one mortar is enough to wipe out ground units of opponents of same town hall levels. At Town Hall 6 you unlock your second mortar and it max out on level 4.

Town Hall Level 3,4,5 6 7 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
Number of Mortar Available 1 2 3 6

Clash of Clans Max Mortar Levels at Each Town Hall

What is the max level for Mortar at TH7?

You can max out your three mortars to level 5 at town hall 7 in just (12×3) 36 hours. The stats of Level 5 mortar will be – 9 DPS, 600 hit points.

What is the max Mortar level at TH8?

At Town Hall 8 you can unlock your fourth and final mortar. The 4 mortars will max out at level 6 in just 72 hours. The new DPS will be 11 and hit points will be 650.

What is the max level for Mortar at TH9?

The max level of mortar at Town Hall 9 is 7. The stats of Level 7 mortar will be:

  • damage per second: 15
  • damage per shot: 75
  • hitpoints: 700
  • upgrade cost: 1,300,000 gold
  • upgrade time: 1 day

What is the max level Mortar at TH10?

The mortar will max out at level 8 on Town Hall 10 of Clash of Clans. Now the DPS will improve to 20 and the hit points will go to 800.

What is the TH11 Mortar max level?

Town Hall 11 offers two upgrades to your four mortars and let you max out at level 10. The new stats will be:

  • damage per second: 30
  • damage per shot: 150
  • hitpoints: 1,100
  • upgrade cost: 3,500,000 gold
  • upgrade time: 2 days 12 hours

What is the max Mortar Level TH12?

You have to upgrade your four mortars twice to reach maximum level of 12 on Town Hall 12 of CoC. A Level 12 Mortar will have:

  • damage per second: 38
  • damage per shot: 190
  • hitpoints: 1,500
  • upgrade cost: 6,500,000 gold
  • upgrade time: 3 days 12 hours

What is the max level for Mortar at TH13?

At Town Hall 13 you can move your mortar to next level of 13. At level 13 the mortar will have:

  • damage per second: 42
  • damage per shot: 210
  • hitpoints: 1,700
  • upgrade cost: 8,200,000 gold
  • upgrade time: 4 days

What is the max level for Mortar at TH14?

You will need 24 days to max out your four mortars to level 14 on Town Hall 14 of CoC. Obviously A mortar on level 14 will be powerful as evident from its stats:

  • damage per second: 48
  • damage per shot: 240
  • hitpoints: 1,950
  • upgrade cost: 11,000,000 gold
  • upgrade time: 6 days

What is the max Mortar level at TH15 in Clash of Clans?

At Town Hall 15, your mortar max level will be 15 but remember it will take combined time 37 days to peak out four mortars. Also the new stats of mortar will be:

  • damage per second: 54
  • damage per shot: 270
  • hitpoints: 2,150
  • upgrade cost: 15,000,000 gold
  • upgrade time: 7 days 6 hours

What is the max level for Mortar at Town Hall 16 of Clash of Clans?

The cannon and Archer tower do not get any upgrade at Town Hall 16 but you can upgrade your Mortar to its maximum level of 16 at TH16 in Clash of Clans. A Mortar Level 16 will have following stats:

  • Damage per second: 60
  • Damage per shot: 300
  • hitpoints: 2,300
  • upgrade cost: 19,500,000 gold
  • upgrade time: 14 days 12 hours

What is the max level of Mortar?
The maximum level a mortar can be upgraded to is level 16 which is available at Town hall 16 in Clash of Clans.

What is the requirement for gearing up Mortar?
Fulfil these four requirements to gear up your mortar:

  • Mortar level 8 in the Home Village
  • Multi Mortar level 8 in the Builder Base
  • 8,000,000 gold for gear up cost
  • 14 days gear up time

Do remember that a Mortar has blind spot of 4 tiles and it can not attack any troop in this range. Therefore, place your mortars deep in base so that can it can deal high splash damage to ground units.

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