Cannon Max Levels CoC 2024: Town Hall 1 to Town Hall 16 Stats

Cannon is the first defensive buildings that you are introduced to at Town Hall 1 in Clash of Clans. The Cannon can deal moderate damage to ground units and it is a single-target defense.

The downside of Cannon is that it can not attack air units but on the other hand it is cheap and quick to upgrade to higher levels.

This is the reason why many Clash of Clans players prefer to max out Cannon as soon as they move to next Town Hall Level.

Two interesting points about Cannon is that –

  1. Your master builder can gear up a cannon to Double cannon at TH6. So if you are wondering how to get double cannon at TH6 then the only requirement is that you must have a Double cannon at Builder Base level 4. If you do not have the double cannon unlocked at BH4 then you will see a message – Builder Base double cannon level 4 required. Also your Cannon must be of Level 7. Gear Up is permanent and you can gear up at most 1 cannon.
  2. You can also merge two Cannons (level 21 each) into a Ricochet Cannon at Town Hall 16. You might be thinking – how many ricochet cannons can I have at TH16? The answer is 2. You can have 2 permanent ricochet cannon.

Cannon Max Levels List and Stats at Each Town Hall in Clash of Clans

Not Only Cannon is cheaper to upgrade but you can also max out this defensive building in shortest amount of time. As compared to other defensive buildings a cannon can max out in just 21 days. Here are stats of Cannon at each level:

Level Upgrade Time Damage per Second  Hit points  Damage Per Shot  Upgrade Cost Town Hall Level Needed XP Gained
1 10s 9 420 7.2 250 1 3
2 2 minutes 11 470 8.8 1,000 1 10
3 10 minutes 15 520 12 4,000 2 24
4 45 minutes 19 570 15.2 16,000 3 51
5 1 hours 25 620 20 50,000 4 60
6 2 hours 31 670 24.8 1,00,000 5 84
7 4 hours 40 730 32 1,50,000 6 120
8 8 hours 48 800 38.4 2,40,000 7 169
9 10 hours 56 880 44.8 3,60,000 8 189
10 10 hours 64 960 51.2 5,00,000 8 189
11 12 hours 74 1,060 59.2 8,00,000 9 207
12 18 hours 85 1,160 68 9,00,000 10 254
13 18 hours 95 1,260 76 17,00,000 10 254
14 1 days 100 1,380 80 20,00,000 11 293
15 1 days 105 1,500 84 25,00,000 11 293
16 2 days 110 1,620 88 40,00,000 12 415
17 2 days 115 1,740 92 50,00,000 12 415
18 3 days 125 1,870 100 60,00,000 13 509
19 3 days 135 2,000 108 65,00,000 13 509
20 4 days 150 2,150 120 1,00,00,000 14 587
21 5 days 160 2,250 128 1,20,00,000 15 657

While upgrading cannon might seem quick and easy but there are two downsides too:

  1. You have to upgrade same cannon multiple times at any given town hall before you max out.
  2. You have multiple cannons unlocked and thus you have to upgrade each one of those.
Town Hall Level 1,2,3,4 5,6 7,8,9 10 11,12,13,14,15 16
Number of Cannon Available 2 3 5 6 7 3*

From Town Hall 1 to Town Hall 6 you might not even feel bothered by Cannon upgrades. You will have as many as 3 cannons and maxing out each one will take only 10-12 hours.

Clash of Clans Cannon Max levels at Town Hall

  • TH1-5: Max Cannon level 6
  • TH6: Max Cannon level 7
  • Level 7 Cannon stats: 40 DPS, 730 HP

What is the max level for Cannon at TH7?

At Town Hall 7, the max level for the Cannon is level 8 with stats – 48 DPS, 800 HP.

What is the max level for Cannon at TH8?

You can max out your cannon to Level 10 at Town hall 8 and it will have 64 Damage per Second and 960 hit points.

What is the max level for Cannon at TH9?

Town Hall 9 will see only one upgrade of Cannon from level 10 to max level 11 and the stats will improve with 74 DPS and 1060 Hit Points.

What is the max level for Cannon at TH10?

You need to upgrade your 6 cannons twice to reach max level of 13 at Town Hall 10. These upgrades will take (18+18)x6 = 9 combined days to max out and the stats will go to 95 DPS and 1260 hit points.

What is the max level for Cannon at TH11?

At Town Hall 11, you will unlock your 7th and final cannon and the max level you can push these is level 15. The total time you need to upgrade all 7 cannon to max level of 15 will be 17 days and 10 hours. A Level 15 cannon will have 105 DPS and 1500 hit points.

What is the max cannon level at TH12?

You can reach the max cannon level of 17 at Town Hall 12 in just 28 days. At Level 17 your Cannon will have 115 DPS and 1740 hit points.

What is TH13 max Cannon level?

At Town Hall 13, you might think that its not worth upgrading Cannon to its max level of 19. This is because you have 7 cannons and upgrading each one of those will take a total time of 42 days. I highly advise you to max out your cannon because at Level 19 your cannon will have 135 DPS and 2000 hit points which will make other clash of clans players to think before raiding your base.

What is the max level Cannon for Town Hall 14?

Town Hall 14 will see only one upgrade of each cannon and these will max out at Level 20. The total time taken would be 28 days and the stats will jump to 150 DPS and 2150 hit points.

What is the max level for Cannon at CoC TH15?

Town Hall 15 will continue this one upgrade trend and your cannon will reach new higher level of 21. Again the time taken will be 35 days and the DPS will improve to 160 while the hit points will be 2250.

What is the max level for Cannon at Town Hall 16 in Clash of Clans?

Many Clash of Clans players asked Supercell to give them a unique defense at Town Hall 16. Therefore at Town Hall 16 you don’t need to upgrade your cannon instead you can merge your two cannons and build a larger ricochet cannon. You will have two ricochet cannon.

If you have geared up your one cannon previously then at Town Hall 16 you can have 2 ricochet cannon, 1 Double Cannons and 2 normal cannon.

What is the highest level Cannon in Clash of Clans?

As of 2024 update, the highest level of Cannon in CoC is level 21.

Not every CoC player enjoy upgrading cannon but I strongly advice you to max out your cannon at each town hall.

Upgrade your Cannons evenly. Don’t have one level 15 Cannon while the rest are sitting at level 10.

Coordinate your Cannon upgrades with your overall base layout. Try to keep at least one strong Cannon in each section of your base while others are upgrading.

Don’t forget about your geared-up Cannon! Switch between normal and burst mode depending on your defensive needs. Burst mode can be a lifesaver against high-HP troops.

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