Builder Hall 6 Max Levels List CoC 2024: BH6 Battle Machine, Troops, Defenses

Clashers do not take Builder Hall 6 Max levels seriously. This is because, after Builder Hall 5, people just rush to the highest Builder Hall level so that they can unlock the sixth builder.

A Major reason behind this is the longest time that it takes to max out the whole base. You have only one master builder to upgrade all the buildings. Not only this but you can only collect resources via daily loot bonuses that open after every 22 hours.

You can only win three attacks in this time which means that you can only win a limited amount of elixir/gold. You have to wait for the next day’s bonus so that you can increase your storage capacity.

CoC Builder Hall 6 maximum levels for Battle Machine

Builder Hall 6 Battle Machine BH6 Hero Level
Battle Machine 10

The battle machine can now be moved to the highest level of 10. At LVL 10 the Battle machine will have Damage per second of 147 whereas damage per attack of 176.4 Also the hit points of the battle machine will increase to 4196 points.

At this level, the Battle machine will also unlock level 2 of special ability (electric hammer). At level 2 It can recover 850 health whereas damage increases by 294 for the next three hits.

What is the max level for Builder Hall 6 in Clash of Clans?

You will have a total of 34 buildings available on Builder Hall 6 and you need to upgrade around 29 of them. Not only this but you also have to upgrade your walls which is now not an easy task at all.

We will divide these buildings into four broad categories – Resource Buildings, Army buildings, Defenses, and traps. Now let’s see what are maximum levels of each building type are.

Clash of Clans Builder Hall 6 max levels

CoC Builder Hall 6 max upgrades of resource buildings

Builder Hall 6 Resource Buildings MAX Level No. of Buildings
Elixir Collector 6 2
Gold Mine 6 2
Elixir Storage 6 2
Gold Storage 6 2
Gem Mine 6 1
Clock Tower 6 1
  • The two elixir collectors will max out on level 6.
  • The two gold mines will peak at level 6.
  • Both your gold storage will touch level 6.
  • The highest level for your two elixir storage will be LVL 6.
  • Your gem mine will also reach the highest level of 6.
  • The clock tower will peak on lvl 6 and increase your boost time to 24 minutes.

Also Read – Town Hall 2 Max Levels List

Clash of Clans BH6 base levels of army buildings

Builder Hall 6 Army Buildings Levels No. of Buildings
Builder Barracks 8 1
Army Camp 1 4
Star Laboratory 6 1
  • Your builder barrack will level up to LVL 8 and unlock the new troop – Night witch
  • Your army camps will stay the same.
  • The star laboratory level is up to LVL 6.

BH6 max levels list for defenses Clash of Clans

Builder Hall 6 Defenses Levels No. of Buildings
Cannon 6 2
Archer Tower 6 3
Double Cannon 6 2
Hidden Tesla 6 1
Crusher 6 2
Guard Post 6 1
Firecrackers 6 2
Air Bombs 6 1
Multi Mortar 6 1
Roaster 6 1
Walls 6 120
  • The two cannons reach level 6.
  • One more archer tower will be unlocked. The three archer tower now maxes to level 6.
  • Both double cannons get to level 6.
  • The only hidden tesla levels up to LVL 6.
  • Your two firecrackers reach peak level 6.
  • An additional crusher will be unlocked at BH6. The two crushes max out on level 6.
  • The only guard post has the highest level of 6.
  • Your air bombs get bulky on level 6.
  • Multi mortar level up to LVL 6.
  • The roaster is the new defense unlocked on Builder Hall 6. This defense reaches the maximum level of 6.
  • The 120 walls can not be maxed out to level 6.

CoC Builder Hall 6 max levels for traps

Builder Hall 6 Traps Levels No. of Traps
Push Trap 6 4
Spring Trap 3 3
Mines 6 5
Mega Mine 6 2
  • You have four push traps that max out on level 6.
  • Your three spring traps finally see an upgrade and move to level 3.
  • After unlocking the new mine you have to upgrade all five mines to level 6.
  • A second mega-mine is unlocked at BH6. The two mega mines now need to be maxed out to level 6.

Builder Hall 6 max troop levels list CoC

Builder Hall 6 Troops BH6 Troop Levels
Raged Barbarians 12
Sneaky Archers 12
Boxer Giants 12
Beta Minion 12
Bomber 12
Baby Dragon 12
Cannon Cart 12
Night Witch 12
  • Raged barbarians get to level 12.
  • Sneaky archer maxes out on level 12.
  • Boxer giants reach level 12.
  • A beta minion touch a peak level of 12.
  • Bomber has the highest level of 12.
  • Baby dragon peaks on level 12.
  • Cannon cart can be upgraded to max level 12.
  • New troop night which also sees an upgrade to 12 levels.

How do you get a 6th builder in COC?

You can get a sixth builder after you upgrade to level 9 on the Builder base and Level 10 at the Town hall.

You will unlock the OTTO hut at BH9. It will tell you to complete 4 missions to level up to LVL 5. If you complete those missions then the OTTO machine can be used as the builder on the builder base whereas the master builder is free to travel on both bases.

This way you can use the master-builder as a sixth builder on the home village or as a second builder on the builder base.

The five missions you need to do to unlock the sixth builder are –

  • Gear Up Cannon, Archer Tower, and mortar at the home village.
  • Upgrade your cannon cart to the highest level of 18.
  • Max out your Mega tesla to level 9.
  • Max out your Battle machine to the highest level of 30.

So even if you are rushing at the builder base make sure you are doing these upgrades along the way.

How long does builder base 6 take to Max?: Due to the format of versus battles, you will take anywhere between 30 to 50 days to max out your builder base level 6.

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